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Hunger is Not a Game

September 20, 2013
Pelosi Update
Fighting for Full Plates
Millions of Americans—particularly children, seniors, and veterans—struggle with hunger every day, and rely on the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), or food stamps, just to have enough to eat. One in five children go to bed hungry every night and nearly 22 million children receive SNAP benefits. Yesterday, House Republicans heartlessly voted to gut SNAP by $40 billion over the next decade, slashing the legs on which many families stand.
This partisan bill—which every Democrat voted against—would take away the next meal for nearly four million seniors, 170,000 veterans, and 5,000 active-duty military families. It is unconscionable that this bill passed, as it undermines who are as a nation and that we do not even want to meet the needs of the people. As former President Ronald Reagan said—“As long as there is one person in this country who is hungry, that is one person too many.”
The vicious cuts to SNAP affect us here in San Francisco as well, where people from all walks of life rely on the SNAP and nutrition programs to make it through tough and trying times. Take the stories of two San Franciscans, Caitlin and Brian. Caitlin, now in her 20s, worked hard at a part-time job to put herself through college. As the recession took its toll on students across the country looking for work, Caitlin enrolled in SNAP after she could not afford to pay rent and buy food each month. With the help of SNAP, she was able to get by, get a promotion and now works full-time. Brian is 50 years old and homeless, yet even as he searches for full-time employment, he spends his spare time volunteering at St. Anthony’s Dining Room, helping other people find food, to find shelter, clothes, and compassion in our community. There he gives what little he has back to our community. Like Brian and Caitlin, millions of people across America are working hard and giving all that they have to lift themselves up and help others get back on their feet.
I was moved recently during mass when the priest said ‘You just cannot come to church and pray on Sunday and go out and prey on people for the rest of the week.’ This legislation is preying on people, on children, on veterans, on seniors, on all those who are struggling to do their best in our country.
Congresswoman Pelosi serves meals at St. Anthony's Dining Room.
Congresswoman Pelosi serves meals at St. Anthony’s Dining Room.
Another Senseless Act of Violence
Our prayers rest with the families and loved ones of those killed at the Washington Navy Yard. Our thoughts remain with the injured and all those now recovering from this unspeakable tragedy. We hold a special place in our hearts for those who serve our country at the Navy Yard and for all caught in the crossfire of today’s horrible attack. We offer our condolences to the victims and stand prepared to support them and their families in the days and weeks to come.
Celebrating Hispanic Heritage Month
During Hispanic Heritage Month, we come together to celebrate the rich histories, diverse cultures, and countless contributions of the 50 million Hispanic Americans living across the country. With a firm commitment to family, faith, and hard work, our Hispanic community has spent generations fortifying the foundations of our nation’s strength.
To honor the spirit and achievements of the Hispanic community, to uphold the highest values of our nation, Congress must pass comprehensive immigration reform that secures our borders, protects our workers, unites our families, and provides an earned pathway to citizenship. In this Hispanic Heritage Month, the time is now to make the American Dream a reality for every immigrant and for every family.
¡Felicidades y muchas gracias – que Dios los bendiga!